Source code for o3skim.utils

"""This module offers some utils for code management. For example
utils to change easily from directory or create netCDF files.

Although this module is not expected to be used out of the o3skim
package, some functions might be convenient when using the python 

from contextlib import contextmanager
import os
import yaml
import netCDF4
import xarray as xr
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger('o3skim.utils')

[docs]@contextmanager def cd(dir): """Changes the directory inside a 'with' context. When the code reaches the end of the 'with' block or the code fails, the previous folder is restored. :param dir: Path folder where to change the working directory. :type dir: str """ prevdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.expanduser(dir)) newdir = os.getcwd() try: logger.debug("Changing directory: '%s'", newdir) yield finally: os.chdir(prevdir) logger.debug("Restoring directory: '%s'", prevdir)
def return_on_failure(message, default=None): """Decorator to do not break but log. Note that the error stack is printed as well to do not lose relevant information. :param message: Additional message to log when the function fails. :type message: str :param default: Value to return if fails. :type default: any or None, optional """ def decorate(function): def applicator(*args, **kwargs): try: return function(*args, **kwargs) except: # Log error with stack using root (not utils) logging.error(message, exc_info=True) return default applicator.__doc__ = function.__doc__ return applicator return decorate
[docs]def load(yaml_file): """Loads the .yaml file and returns a python dictionary with all the yaml keys and values. Note a yaml file can have key:values sotored inside values, therefore the returned dictionary might have dictionaries stored inside values. :param yaml_file: Path pointing to the yaml configuration file. :type yaml_file: str :return: Dictionary with the yaml structure key:value. :rtype: dict """ with open(yaml_file, "r") as ymlfile: config = yaml.safe_load(ymlfile) logging.debug("Configuration data: %s", config) return config
def save(file_name, metadata): """Saves the metadata dict on the current folder with yaml format. :param file_name: Name for the output yaml file. :type file_name: str :param metadata: Dict with the data to save into. :type metadata: dict """ with open(file_name, 'w+') as ymlfile: yaml.dump(metadata, ymlfile, allow_unicode=True) def mergedicts(d1, d2): """Merges dict d2 in dict d2 recursively. If two keys exist in both dicts, the value in d1 is superseded by the value in d2. :param d1: Dict to be recursively completed by d2. :type d1: dict :param d2: Dict to be recursively merged in d1. :type d2: dict """ for key in d2: if key in d1 and isinstance(d1[key], dict) and isinstance(d2[key], dict): mergedicts(d1[key], d2[key]) else: d1[key] = d2[key]