
Download the code from the o3skim repository at the Build machine.

For example, using git:

$ git clone
Cloning into 'o3skim'...

Build the container image at the Build machine.

For example, using docker:

$ docker build --tag o3skim .
Successfully built 69587025a70a
Successfully tagged o3skim:latest

If the build process succeeded, then you should see the image name on the container images list:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                         TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED              SIZE
o3skim                             latest              69587025a70a        xx seconds ago      557MB

To use your new generated image on the Runtime machine, the easiest way is to push to a dockerhub repository. For example, with docker:

$ docker push <repository>/o3skim:<tag>
The push refers to repository []
7e84795fccac: Preparing
7e84795fccac: Layer already exists
ffaeb20d9e23: Layer already exists
4cdd6a90e552: Layer already exists
3e0762bebc71: Layer already exists
1e441fe06d90: Layer already exists
98ff2784e9f5: Layer already exists
2b99e2403063: Layer already exists
d0f104dc0a1f: Layer already exists
...: digest: sha256:...................... size: 2004

If you do not have internet access from the Build machine or Runtime machine it is also possible to use docker save to export your images.