
To deploy the the application using udocker at the Runtime machine you need the o3skim container image.

The easiest way to deploy in your Runtime machine is by pulling the image from a remote registry. You can use the official registry at synergyimk or use the instructions at Build to create your image and uploaded at your own registry.

Once you decide from which registry download, pull the image that image registry. For example, to pull it from the synergy-imk official registry use:

$ udocker pull synergyimk/o3skim
Downloading layer: sha256:......

Note it is also possible to use udocker load to import images generated by docker save.

Once the image is downloaded or imported, create the local container. For example, if it was downloaded from synergyimk registry you can use:

$ udocker create --name=o3skim synergyimk/o3skim

Check the containers available at the Runtime machine:

$ udocker ps
CONTAINER ID                         P M NAMES              IMAGE
fa42a912-b0d4-3bfb-987f-1c243863802d . W ['o3skim']         synergyimk/o3skim:latest

Now you are ready to start using the container as o3skim. Read how to use the Command Line Interface as first steps to skim your data.