Source code for o3api.plothelpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2017 - 2020 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Steinbuch Centre for Computing
# This code is distributed under the MIT License
# Please, see the LICENSE file
# @author: vykozlov

import o3api.config as cfg
import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D

# conigure python logger
logger = logging.getLogger('__name__') #o3api

# configuration for netCDF
TIME = cfg.netCDF_conf['t_c']
LAT = cfg.netCDF_conf['lat_c']

# configuration for API
PTYPE = cfg.api_conf['plot_t']
MODELS = cfg.api_conf['models']
BEGIN = cfg.api_conf['begin']
END = cfg.api_conf['end']
MONTH = cfg.api_conf['month']
LAT_MIN = cfg.api_conf['lat_min']
LAT_MAX = cfg.api_conf['lat_max']

# configuration for plotting
plot_c = cfg.plot_conf

[docs]def cleanse_models(**kwargs): """Cleansing models from empty entries, spaces, and quotes :param kwargs: The provided in the API call parameters :return: models cleansed from empty entries, spaces, quotes :rtype: list """ model_kwargs = list(filter(None, kwargs[MODELS])) # remove empty elements # strip possible spaces in front and back, and then quotas models = [ m.strip().strip('\"') for m in model_kwargs ] return models
[docs]def get_date_range(ds): """Return the range of dates in the provided dataset :param ds: xarray dataset to check :return: date_min, date_max """ date_min = np.amin(ds.coords[TIME].values) date_max = np.amax(ds.coords[TIME].values) return date_min, date_max
[docs]def get_periodicity(pd_time): """Calculate periodicity in the provided data :param pd_time: The time period :type pd_time: pandas DatetimeIndex :return: Calculated periodicity as the number of points per year :rtype: int """ date_range = np.amax(pd_time) - np.amin(pd_time) date_range = (date_range/np.timedelta64(1, 'D')) periodicity = ((pd_time.size - 1) / date_range ) * 365.0 logger.debug("Periodicity calculated: {}".format(periodicity)) return int(round(periodicity, 0))
[docs]def get_plot_params(**kwargs): """Get plot parameters :param kwargs: The provided in the API call parameters :return: plot_params with added input parameters :rtype: string """ plot_type = kwargs[PTYPE] plot_params = ("requested: " + plot_type + ", " + str(kwargs[BEGIN]) + ".." + str(kwargs[END])) if len(kwargs[MONTH]) > 0: plot_params += (", month: ") for i in kwargs[MONTH]: plot_params += str(i) + "," #plot_params = plot_params[:-1] + "" else: plot_params += ", full_year," deg_sign= u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}' plot_params += (" latitudes: " + str(kwargs[LAT_MIN]) + deg_sign + ".." + str(kwargs[LAT_MAX]) + deg_sign) return plot_params
[docs]def get_plot_info_txt(**kwargs): """Generate info text for the plot :param kwargs: The provided in the API call parameters :return: information text with legal info, parameters etc :rtype: string """ params_txt = get_plot_params(**kwargs) plot_infotxt=F""" {cfg.O3AS_LEGALINFO_TXT} \n {cfg.O3AS_LEGALINFO_URL} \n \n {cfg.O3AS_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_TXT} \n {cfg.O3AS_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_URL} \n\n This plot is generated with {cfg.O3AS_MAIN_URL} \n\n The following input parameters were used for the plot:\n {params_txt} """ return plot_infotxt
[docs]def get_plot_info_html(**kwargs): """Generate info text (HTML) for the plot :param kwargs: The provided in the API call parameters :return: information text (HTML) with legal info, parameters etc :rtype: string """ params_txt = get_plot_params(**kwargs) plot_infohtml=F""" <p><b>{cfg.O3AS_LEGALINFO_TXT}</b></p><br> <a href=\"{cfg.O3AS_LEGALINFO_URL}\">{cfg.O3AS_LEGALINFO_URL}</a> <p></p> <p><b>{cfg.O3AS_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_TXT}</b></p><br> <a href=\"{cfg.O3AS_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_URL}\">{cfg.O3AS_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_URL}</a> <p></p> <p>This plot is generated with <a href=\"{cfg.O3AS_MAIN_URL}\">{cfg.O3AS_MAIN_URL}</a> </p> <p></p> <p>The following input parameters were used for the plot: </p><br> {params_txt} <p></p> """ return plot_infohtml
[docs]def set_filename(**kwargs): """Set file name :param kwargs: The provided in the API call parameters :return: file_name with added input parameters (no extension given!) :rtype: string """ file_name = '' for val in cfg.api_conf.values(): if val == MONTH and len(kwargs[val]) == 0: par_str = 'full_year' else: par_str = str(kwargs[val]) file_name += par_str + "_" if val != MODELS else '' # delete last "_" file_name = file_name[:-1] + '' return file_name
[docs]def set_figure_attr(fig, **kwargs): """Configure the figure attributes :param fig: Figure instance :param kwargs: The provided in the API call parameters :return: none """ plot_type = kwargs[PTYPE] models = cleanse_models(**kwargs) plt.xlabel(plot_c[plot_type]['xlabel'], fontsize='large') plt.ylabel(plot_c[plot_type]['ylabel'], fontsize='large') #plt.title(set_plot_title(**kwargs), # fontsize='medium', color='gray') num_col = len(models) // 12 num_col = num_col if (len(models) % 12 == 0) else num_col + 1 ax = plt.gca() # get axis instance ax_pos = ax.get_position() # get the axes position plt.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=[0., ax_pos.y0-0.575, 0.99, 0.3], ncol=num_col, fancybox=True, fontsize='small', borderaxespad=0.) fig.text(ax_pos.x0 + ax_pos.width - 0.01, ax_pos.y0 + ax_pos.height - 0.01, 'Generated with ' + cfg.O3AS_MAIN_URL, fontsize='medium', color='gray', ha='right', va='top', alpha=0.5)