Source code for o3skim

"""O3as package with utilities to handle ozone data skimming."""
from o3skim import operations
import logging
import xarray as xr

logger = logging.getLogger('o3skim')

[docs]def process(dataset, actions): """Function in charge of processing the list of o3skim operations to the ozone variables dataset. The available list of operations to perform are: :lon_mean: Longitudinal mean accross the dataset. :lat_mean: Latitudinal mean accross the dataset. Note that multiple operations can be concatenated. For example using the list ['lon_mean', 'lat_mean'] as actions parameter input would perform a longitudinal mean followed afterwards by a latitudinal mean before returning the result. :param dataset: Original o3 dataset where to perform operations. :type dataset: :class:`xarray.Dataset` :param actions: List of operation names to perform. :type actions: list :return: Dataset after processing listed operations. :rtype: :class:`xarray.Dataset` """ logger.debug("Processing queue: %s", actions) actions = actions.copy() # Do not edit original operation = actions.pop() processed =, dataset) if actions != []: processed = process(processed, actions) return processed
[docs]def save(dataset, target, split_by=None): """Function in charge of saving the input dataset into the file system using an specified time range. The available type of output file formats are: :`None`: Output file format is {target}.nc :year: Output file format is {target}_{y}-{y+01}.nc :decade: Output file format is {target}_{y}-{y+10}.nc :param dataset: DataSet to save in the target. :type dataset: :class:`xarray.DataSet` :param target: Location where to save followed by the name prefix. :type target: str :param split_by: Type of saving format to apply. :type split_by: str, optional """ if not split_by: def path(_): return "{}.nc".format(target) groups = [(None, dataset)] elif split_by == 'year': def path(y): return "{}_{}-{}.nc".format(target, y, y + 1) def delta_map(x): return x.year years = dataset.indexes['time'].map(delta_map) groups = dataset.groupby(xr.DataArray(years)) elif split_by == 'decade': def path(y): return "{}_{}-{}.nc".format(target, y, y + 10) def delta_map(x): return x.year // 10 * 10 years = dataset.indexes['time'].map(delta_map) groups = dataset.groupby(xr.DataArray(years)) else: message = "Bad input split_by '{}' use None, 'year' or 'decade'" raise KeyError(message.format(split_by)) years, datasets = tuple(zip(*groups)) try: xr.save_mfdataset( mode='a', datasets=[dataset for dataset in datasets], paths=[path(year) for year in years]) except FileNotFoundError: xr.save_mfdataset( mode='w', datasets=[dataset for dataset in datasets], paths=[path(year) for year in years])