
You can reduce an output dataset produced by o3norm using the provided command o3skim when installing the package.

usage: o3skim [-h] [-v {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [-o OUTPUT]
              [--lon_mean] [--lat_mean] [--year_mean]
              paths [paths ...]

This command loads the model from the specified paths and produces a set of standardized netCDF files. The output data are splitted into one file per variable at the original dataset. For example, skimming a dataset with tco3_zm and vmro3_zm produces the following output at the specified folder:

$ tree output_folder
├── tco3_zm.nc
└── vmro3_zm.nc

The structure of each output file will depend on the variable it contains (for example, tco3_zm does not contain plev coordinates) and the skimming operations performed (for example, lon_mean reduces the lon coordinate). This reduces the transference size by transferring only the files with the intended variables.

The usage is quite simple, call the o3skim command followed by the operations you would like to performed as optional arguments and with the paths to the dataset you would like to reduce.

positional arguments:
  paths                 Paths to netCDF files with the data to skim

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Sets the logging level (default: INFO)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Folder for output files (default: .)

  --lon_mean            Longitudinal mean across the dataset
  --lat_mean            Latitudinal mean across the dataset
  --year_mean           Time average across the year

As an example, the following command shows how to reduce a dataset running an average mean over the latitude and longitude coordinates at the folder skimmed_model:

$ o3skim -o skimmed_model --lon_mean --lat_mean mydata.nc
$ tree skimmed_model
└── tco3_zm.nc

From this example, we can foreseen that the original dataset mydata.nc contained only tco3_zm information. The expected structure for the tco3_zm.nc dataset would be as follows:

Dimensions:   (time: _)
  * time      (time) datetime64[ns] ____-__-__ ... ____-__-__T__:__:__
Data variables:
    tco3_zm   (time) float64 __
    <The original dataset attributes>