Source code for o3api.api

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2017 - 2020 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Steinbuch Centre for Computing
# This code is distributed under the MIT License
# Please, see the LICENSE file
# @author: vykozlov
# Script to process selected data and 
# return either PDF plot or JSON document.
# Used to build REST API.
## Ozone related information: ##
# time: index for time (e.g. hours since start time - 6 hourly spacing)
# lat: latitude index for geolocation
# level: index for pressure / altitude (e.g. hPa)
# t: temperature
# o3: ozone data
# tco3_zm: total column ozone, zonal mean
# ...

# ToDo: improve Error handling, that Errors are correctly returned by API
#       e.g. raise OSError("no files to open")

import o3api.config as cfg
import o3api.plothelpers as phlp
import o3api.plots as o3plots
import logging
import as mplstyle
mplstyle.use('fast') # faster?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import os
import pkg_resources
import pandas as pd
import re
import time
import yaml
# try to loader faster CLoader, if not fall into standard Loader
    from yaml import CLoader as Loader, CSafeLoader as SafeLoader, CDumper as Dumper
except ImportError:
    from yaml import Loader, SafeLoader, Dumper

import cProfile
import io
import pstats

from flask import send_file
from flask import jsonify, make_response, request
from fpdf import FPDF, HTMLMixin
from functools import wraps
from io import BytesIO
from PyPDF3 import PdfFileMerger

# conigure python logger
logger = logging.getLogger('__name__') #o3api
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s]: %(message)s')

## Authorization
from flaat import Flaat
flaat = Flaat()

# list of trusted OIDC providers

# configuration for API
PTYPE = cfg.api_conf['plot_t']
MODELS = cfg.api_conf['models']
BEGIN = cfg.api_conf['begin']
END = cfg.api_conf['end']
MONTH = cfg.api_conf['month']
LAT_MIN = cfg.api_conf['lat_min']
LAT_MAX = cfg.api_conf['lat_max']
REF_MEAS = cfg.api_conf['ref_meas']
REF_YEAR = cfg.api_conf['ref_year']

TCO3 = cfg.netCDF_conf['tco3']
TCO3Return = cfg.netCDF_conf['tco3_r']
VMRO3 = cfg.netCDF_conf['vmro3']

# configuration for plotting
plot_c = cfg.plot_conf
PLOT_ST = cfg.plot_conf['plot_st']

def _profile(func):
    """Decorate function for profiling
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        pr = cProfile.Profile()
        retval = func(*args, **kwargs)
        s = io.StringIO()
        sortby = 'cumulative' #SortKey.CUMULATIVE  # 'cumulative'
        ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=s).sort_stats(sortby)
        return retval

    return wrapper

def _catch_error(f):
    """Decorate function to return an error, in case
    # In general, API should return what is requested, i.e.
    # JSON -> JSON, PDF->PDF
    def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
            return f(*args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
            e_message = []
            e_message.append({ 'status': 'Error',
                               'object': str(type(e)),
                               'message': '{}'.format(e)
            #raise BadRequest(e)

            if request.headers['Accept'] == "application/pdf":
                pdf = FPDF()
                pdf.set_font("Arial", size = 14)
                for key, value in e_message[0].items():
                    pdf.write(18, txt = "{} : {}".format(key, value))
                pdf_byte_str = pdf.output(dest='S').encode('latin-1')
                buffer_resp = BytesIO(bytes(pdf_byte_str))

                response = make_response(send_file(buffer_resp,
                                         mimetype='application/pdf'), 500)
                response = make_response(jsonify(e_message), 500)
            logger.debug("Response: {}".format(dict(response.headers)))
            return response

    return wrap

def _timeit(func):
    """Measure time of the function
    def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
        time_model = time.time()
        f = func(*args, **kwargs)
        time_described = time.time()"[TIME] One model processed: {}".format(time_described - 
        return f
    return wrap

def __convert_plot_style(models_style, ptype):
    """Function to convert array of dictionaries with model:name to 
       dictionary with named by model elements

         model: name,
         plotstyle: {}
       { name: {},
       :param models_style: input array of dictionaries
       :return: dictionary
    ckwargs = {}
    for mi in models_style:
        model = mi['model']
        ckwargs[model] = {}
        for k,v in mi[ptype][PLOT_ST].items():
            par = k
            if k in plot_c[ptype][PLOT_ST].keys():
                par = plot_c[ptype][PLOT_ST][k]
            ckwargs[model][par] = v
    return ckwargs

def __dict_remove_elems(dict_in):
    """Function to remove dictionary elements containing E-Mail addresses
    :param dict_in: input dictionary
    :return: input dictionary where elements with E-Mail are removed
    keys_to_delete = []
    re_email_string = re.compile(r'[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+\.\w+')
    for key, value in dict_in.items():
        re_match =
        if re_match != None:
            logger.debug(F"{key}:{value}, E-Mail: {}")

    if len(keys_to_delete) > 0:
        for key in keys_to_delete:
            del dict_in[key]

    return dict_in

def __legalinfo_link(model):
    # extract name of the original data-source
    #data_source = model.split(cfg.O3AS_MODELNAME_SPLIT)[0]  
    #return (cfg.O3AS_LEGALINFO_URL + "#" + data_source)
    return cfg.O3AS_LEGALINFO_URL

def __return_json(df, model, pfmt):
    """Function to return JSON

    :param df: data (pandas.DataFrame) to process
    :param model: model to process
    :param pfmt: plot format (e.g. linecolor, marker)
    :return: JSON with points (x,y)
    logger.debug(F"plotstyle: {pfmt}")

    data = {'model': model,
            'legalinfo': __legalinfo_link(model),
            'x': df[model].dropna(),
            'y': df[model].dropna().values.tolist(), #curve[model]
            PLOT_ST: pfmt
    return data  

[docs]@_catch_error def get_api_info(): """Return information about the package :return: The o3api package info :rtype: dict """ module = __name__.split('.', 1) pkg = pkg_resources.get_distribution(module[0]) meta = { 'name' : None, 'version' : None, 'summary' : None, 'home-page' : None, 'author' : None, 'author-email' : None, 'license' : None } iline = 0 top_lines = 10 # take only top 10 lines (otherwise may pick from content) for line in pkg.get_metadata_lines("PKG-INFO"): line_low = line.lower() # to avoid inconsistency due to letter cases if iline < top_lines: for par in meta: if line_low.startswith(par.lower() + ":", 0): _, value = line.split(": ", 1) meta[par] = value iline += 1 logger.debug(F"Found metadata: {meta}") return meta
[docs]@_catch_error def get_data_types(): """Get list of plot types with available data""" ptypes = [] possible_types = [TCO3, TCO3Return, VMRO3] kwargs = {} for t in possible_types: kwargs[PTYPE] = t models = get_models_list(**kwargs) isdata = True if len(models) > 0 else False ptypes.append(t) if isdata else '' return ptypes
[docs]@_catch_error def get_data_tco3_zm(*args, **kwargs): """Retrieve data to produce tco3_zm plot :param kwargs: provided in the API call parameters :return: JSON document with data points """ kwargs[PTYPE] = TCO3 kwargs[REF_MEAS] = cfg.O3AS_TCO3_REF_MEAS kwargs[REF_YEAR] = cfg.O3AS_TCO3_REF_YEAR kwargs[MODELS] = phlp.cleanse_models(**kwargs) models = kwargs[MODELS] data = o3plots.ProcessForTCO3(**kwargs) tco3_data = data.get_raw_ensemble_pd(models) models_style = get_plot_style(**kwargs) ckwargs = __convert_plot_style(models_style, TCO3) json_output = [] __json_append = json_output.append [ __json_append(__return_json(tco3_data, m, ckwargs[m])) for m in models ] response = json_output return response
[docs]@_catch_error def get_data_tco3_return(*args, **kwargs): """Retrieve data to produce tco3_return plot :param kwargs: provided in the API call parameters :return: JSON document with data points """ kwargs[PTYPE] = TCO3Return kwargs[REF_MEAS] = cfg.O3AS_TCO3_REF_MEAS kwargs[REF_YEAR] = cfg.O3AS_TCO3_REF_YEAR kwargs[MODELS] = phlp.cleanse_models(**kwargs) models = kwargs[MODELS] data = o3plots.ProcessForTCO3(**kwargs) tco3_data = data.get_raw_ensemble_pd(models) models_style = get_plot_style(**kwargs) ckwargs = __convert_plot_style(models_style, TCO3Return) json_output = [] __json_append = json_output.append [ __json_append(__return_json(tco3_data, m, ckwargs[m])) for m in models ] response = json_output return response
[docs]def get_data_vmro3_zm(*args, **kwargs): """Retrieve data to produce vmro3_zm plot :param kwargs: provided in the API call parameters :return: JSON document with data points """ pass
[docs]@_catch_error def get_models_info(): """Return dictionary of available models with the meta info :return: The dictionary of available models :rtype: dict """ models = [] plot_types = get_plot_types() colors = ["black", "gray", "red", "chocolate", "orange", "gold", "olive", "green", "lime", "lightseagreen", "teal", "deepskyblue", "navy", "blue", "purple", "magenta"] line_styles = ["solid", "dotted", "dashed", "dashdot"] markers = [".", "o", "+", "x", "v", "^", "s", "*", "D"] m_counter = 0 list_dir = os.listdir(cfg.O3AS_DATA_BASEPATH) list_dir.sort() for mdir in list_dir: m_path = os.path.join(cfg.O3AS_DATA_BASEPATH, mdir) m_files = os.listdir(m_path) if (os.path.isdir(m_path)) and any(".nc" in f for f in m_files): meta = { 'model' : mdir, 'legalinfo': __legalinfo_link(mdir), TCO3: { "isdata": False, PLOT_ST: { 'color': '', 'marker': '', 'linestyle': '' } }, TCO3Return: { "isdata": False, PLOT_ST: { 'color': '', 'marker': '', 'linestyle': '' } }, VMRO3: { "isdata": False, PLOT_ST: { 'color': '', 'marker':'', 'linestyle': '' } }, } # inizialize with some colors for pt in plot_types: i_color = m_counter % len(colors) meta[pt][PLOT_ST]["color"] = colors[i_color] i_marker = m_counter % len(markers) meta[pt][PLOT_ST]["marker"] = markers[i_marker] i_style = m_counter % len(line_styles) meta[pt][PLOT_ST]["linestyle"] = line_styles[i_style] # update with the info from metadata.yaml's if "metadata.yaml" in m_files: # update meta from metadata.yaml, if available: with open(os.path.join(m_path, "metadata.yaml"), "r") as stream: meta_yaml = yaml.load(stream, Loader=SafeLoader) # if plot info is in meta_yaml, update it in meta for pt in plot_types: if PLOT_ST in meta_yaml[pt].keys(): meta[pt][PLOT_ST].update(meta_yaml[pt][PLOT_ST]) # if colors are defined for TCO3 and not others, use the same if PLOT_ST in meta_yaml[TCO3].keys(): if PLOT_ST not in meta_yaml[TCO3Return].keys(): meta[TCO3Return][PLOT_ST].update(meta[TCO3][PLOT_ST]) if PLOT_ST not in meta_yaml[VMRO3].keys(): meta[VMRO3][PLOT_ST].update(meta[TCO3][PLOT_ST]) # get model attrs. comment. another endpoint? #data = o3plots.Dataset(TCO3, **kwargs) #ds = data.get_dataset(mdir) #model_info_dict = ds.to_dict(data=False) #meta['attrs'] = model_info_dict['attrs'] for f in os.listdir(m_path): if "tco3" in f: meta[TCO3]['isdata'] = True meta[TCO3Return]['isdata'] = True if "vmro3" in f: meta[VMRO3]['isdata'] = True models.append(meta) m_counter += 1 return models
[docs]@_catch_error def get_models_list(*args, **kwargs): """Return the list of available Ozone models :return: The list of available models :rtype: list """ models_list = [] models_info = get_models_info() if PTYPE in kwargs: ptype = kwargs[PTYPE] for m in models_info: if m[ptype]['isdata']: models_list.append(m['model']) else: models_list = [ m['model'] for m in models_info ] if 'select' in kwargs: pattern = kwargs['select'].lower() models_list = [ m for m in models_list if pattern in m.lower() ] models_list.sort() return models_list
[docs]@_catch_error def get_plot_style(*args, **kwargs): """Returning plot style for selected models and plot type """ models_info = get_models_info() plots_format = [] if MODELS in kwargs: models = phlp.cleanse_models(**kwargs) else: models = [ m['model'] for m in models_info ] # if "models = []", i.e. empty list, get all available models instead if len(models) < 1: models = [ m['model'] for m in models_info ] if PTYPE in kwargs: plot_types = [kwargs[PTYPE]] else: plot_types = get_data_types() for m in models_info: pfmt = {} if m['model'] in models: pfmt['model'] = m['model'] for pt in plot_types: pfmt[pt] = {} pfmt[pt][PLOT_ST] = m[pt][PLOT_ST] plots_format.append(pfmt) return plots_format
[docs]@_catch_error def get_model_detail(*args, **kwargs): """Return information about the Ozone model :return: Info about the Ozone model :rtype: dict """ model = kwargs['model'].lstrip().rstrip() models_info = get_models_info() model_info_dict = {} for m in models_info: if m['model'] == model: model_info_dict = m plot_types = get_data_types() for pt in plot_types: if model_info_dict[pt]['isdata']: # create dataset according to the plot type (tco3_zm, vmro3_zm, etc) data = o3plots.Dataset(pt, **kwargs) ds = data.get_dataset(model) model_info_dict[pt]['original_metadata'] = ds.to_dict(data=False) model_info_dict[pt]['original_metadata']['attrs'] = ( __dict_remove_elems(model_info_dict[pt]['original_metadata']['attrs'])) logger.debug(F"{model} model info: {model_info_dict}") return model_info_dict
[docs]def get_plot_types(): """Get list of the provided plot methods""" plots = [ TCO3, TCO3Return] #, VMRO3 ] return plots
[docs]@_catch_error def plot_tco3_zm(*args, **kwargs): """Plot tco3_zm :param kwargs: provided in the API call parameters :return: Either PDF plot or JSON document """ time_start = time.time() kwargs[PTYPE] = TCO3 kwargs[MODELS] = phlp.cleanse_models(**kwargs) models_style = get_plot_style(**kwargs) # define plot styling for more curves (reference, mean, median) models_stats_style = [{ 'model': 'reference_value', TCO3: { PLOT_ST: {'color': 'black', 'linestyle': 'dashed', 'label': ('Reference value' + ' (' + str(kwargs['ref_year']) + ')')} } }, { 'model': 'MMMean', TCO3: { PLOT_ST: {'color': 'green', 'linestyle': 'solid', 'linewidth': 4 } } }, { 'model': 'MMMean-Std', TCO3: { PLOT_ST: {'color': 'green', 'linestyle': 'dotted', 'linewidth': 1 } } }, { 'model': 'MMMean+Std', TCO3: { PLOT_ST: {'color': 'green', 'linestyle': 'dotted', 'linewidth': 1 } } }, { 'model': 'MMMedian', TCO3: { PLOT_ST: {'color': 'blue', 'linestyle': 'dotted', 'linewidth': 4 } } }, ] models_style.extend(models_stats_style) ckwargs = __convert_plot_style(models_style, TCO3) # show lines, no marker, except REF_MEAS for model in ckwargs.keys(): if model != kwargs[REF_MEAS]: ckwargs[model]['marker'] = '' data = o3plots.ProcessForTCO3(**kwargs) plot_data = data.get_ensemble_for_plot(kwargs[MODELS]) "[TIME] Time to prepare data for plotting: {}".format(time.time() - time_start)) if request.headers['Accept'] == "application/pdf": response = plot(plot_data, ckwargs, **kwargs) else: response = plot_json(plot_data, ckwargs, **kwargs) "[TIME] Total time from getting the request: {}".format(time.time() - time_start)) return response
[docs]@_catch_error def plot_tco3_return(*args, **kwargs): """Plot tco3_return :param kwargs: provided in the API call parameters :return: Either PDF plot or JSON document """ time_start = time.time() kwargs[PTYPE] = TCO3Return kwargs[MODELS] = phlp.cleanse_models(**kwargs) kwargs[BEGIN] = cfg.O3AS_TCO3Return_BEGIN_YEAR kwargs[END] = cfg.O3AS_TCO3Return_END_YEAR user_month = kwargs[MONTH] user_lat_min = kwargs[LAT_MIN] user_lat_max = kwargs[LAT_MAX] # initialize an empty pd.DataFrame plot_data = pd.DataFrame() # First draw pre-defined regions for r,p in cfg.tco3_return_regions.items(): kwargs['region'] = r kwargs.update(p) #kwargs['lat_min'] = p['lat_min'] #kwargs['lat_max'] = p['lat_max'] if MONTH not in p.keys(): kwargs[MONTH] = '' data = o3plots.ProcessForTCO3Return(**kwargs) data_return = data.get_ensemble_for_plot(kwargs[MODELS]) plot_data = plot_data.append(data_return) # Then draw the user-defined region kwargs['region'] = 'User region' kwargs[MONTH] = user_month kwargs[LAT_MIN] = user_lat_min kwargs[LAT_MAX] = user_lat_max #('User region (' + str(kwargs['lat_min']) + ', ' + str(kwargs['lat_max']) + ')') data = o3plots.ProcessForTCO3Return(**kwargs) plot_data = plot_data.append(data.get_ensemble_for_plot(kwargs[MODELS])) # define plot styling for the mean models_style = get_plot_style(**kwargs) models_stats_style = [ { 'model': 'MMMean', TCO3Return: { PLOT_ST: {'marker': '^', 'color': 'red', 'markersize': 14, 'mfc': 'none'} } }, { 'model': 'MMMean-Std', TCO3Return: { PLOT_ST: {'marker': '_', 'color': 'red', 'markersize': 10, 'mfc': 'none'} } }, { 'model': 'MMMean+Std', TCO3Return: { PLOT_ST: {'marker': '_', 'color': 'red', 'markersize': 10, 'mfc': 'none'} } }, { 'model': 'MMMedian', TCO3Return: { PLOT_ST: {'marker': 'o', 'color': 'blue', 'markersize': 10, 'mfc': 'none'} } } ] models_style.extend(models_stats_style) ckwargs = __convert_plot_style(models_style, TCO3Return) # show markers, no lines for model in ckwargs.keys(): ckwargs[model]['linestyle'] = 'none' if request.headers['Accept'] == "application/pdf": # update MMMean plotstyle to plot with error bars cols = plot_data.columns mmmean_yerr = [ 0., 0.] if 'MMMean-Std' in cols and 'MMMean+Std' in cols: mmmean_yerr[0] = (plot_data['MMMean'] - plot_data['MMMean+Std']) mmmean_yerr[1] = (plot_data['MMMean-Std'] - plot_data['MMMean']) ckwargs['MMMean']['capsize'] = 6 ckwargs['MMMean']['yerr'] = mmmean_yerr response = plot(plot_data, ckwargs, **kwargs) else: response = plot_json(plot_data, ckwargs, **kwargs) "[TIME] Total time from getting the request: {}".format(time.time() - time_start)) return response
[docs]@_catch_error def plot_vmro3_zm(*args, **kwargs): """Plot vmro3_zm :param kwargs: provided in the API call parameters :return: Either PDF plot or JSON document """ kwargs[PTYPE] = "vmro3_zm" data = None models_info = get_models_info() ckwargs = None response = plot(data, ckwargs, **kwargs) return response
#@_profile #@flaat.login_required() # Require only authorized people to call the function
[docs]def plot(data, ckwargs, **kwargs): """Main plotting routine :param data: data to plot :param ckwargs: dictionary for curve plotting (e.g. color, style) :param kwargs: provided in the API call parameters :return: PDF plot """ plot_type = kwargs[PTYPE] # update the list of models as columns from pd.DataFrame # since additional columns can be added, e.g. 'reference_year', 'mean' etc models = data.columns logger.debug(F"headers: {dict(request.headers)}") logger.debug(F"kwargs: {kwargs}") def __return_plot(df, model): """Function to draw the plot :param df: data (pandas.DataFrame) to process :param model: model to process """ if model != 'MMMean-Std' and model != 'MMMean+Std': df[model].plot(**ckwargs[model]) #.dropna() figure_file = phlp.set_filename(**kwargs) + ".pdf" fig = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(plot_c[plot_type]['fig_size']), dpi=150, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') [ __return_plot(data, m) for m in models ] if plot_type == TCO3: if 'MMMean-Std' in models and 'MMMean+Std' in models: plt.fill_between(data.index, data['MMMean-Std'], data['MMMean+Std'], color='green', alpha=0.2) phlp.set_figure_attr(fig, **kwargs) # create the figure buffer_plot = BytesIO() # store in IO buffer, not a file fig_upd = plt.gcf() fig_upd.set_figwidth(plot_c[plot_type]['fig_size'][0], forward=True) plt.savefig(buffer_plot, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() # create the metadata page + legal info buffer_meta = BytesIO() # store in IO buffer, not a file # Instantiation of inherited class class infoFPDF(FPDF, HTMLMixin): pass pdf = infoFPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4') pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Times', '', 12) info_html = phlp.get_plot_info_html(**kwargs) pdf.write_html(info_html) pdf_output = pdf.output(dest='S') buffer_meta.write(pdf_output.encode('latin-1')) # 'utf-8' # merge two pages in one PDF, add PDF meta merger = PdfFileMerger() merger.append(buffer_plot) merger.append(buffer_meta) merger.addMetadata({ '/Creator': cfg.O3AS_MAIN_URL, '/Title': plot_c[plot_type]['ylabel'], '/Subject': plot_type + ' generated with ' + cfg.O3AS_MAIN_URL }) buffer_out = BytesIO() merger.write(buffer_out) response = send_file(buffer_out, as_attachment=True, attachment_filename=figure_file, mimetype='application/pdf') return response
[docs]def plot_json(data, ckwargs, **kwargs): """Plotting routine returning JSON points :param data: data ready for plotting :param ckwargs: dictionary for curve plotting (e.g. color, style) :param kwargs: provided in the API call parameters :return: JSON document with data points and styles for plotting """ plot_type = kwargs[PTYPE] # update the list of models as columns from pd.DataFrame # as additional columns can be added, e.g. 'reference_year', 'mean' etc models = data.columns logger.debug(F"headers: {dict(request.headers)}") logger.debug(F"kwargs: {kwargs}") models = data.columns json_output = [] __json_append = json_output.append [ __json_append(__return_json(data, m, ckwargs[m])) for m in models ] return json_output