Source code for o3skim.loads

"""Module in charge of model data loading."""
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import logging
import xarray as xr
import o3skim.utils as utils

logger = logging.getLogger('o3skim.loads')

[docs]def ccmi(variable, paths): """Loads and returns a CCMI-1 DataArray model and the dataset attributes. :param variable: Variable to load from the dataset. :type variable: str :param paths: Paths expression to the dataset netCDF files. :type paths: str or [str] :return: Standardized DataArray. :rtype: (:class:`xarray.DataArray`, dict) """ logger.debug("Loading CCMI-1 data from: %s", paths) if len(paths) == 1: paths = paths[0] with xr.open_mfdataset(paths) as dataset: datarray = dataset[variable] ds_attrs = dataset.attrs return datarray, ds_attrs
[docs]def ecmwf(variable, paths): """Loads and returns a ECMWF DataArray model and the dataset attributes. :param variable: Variable to load from the dataset. :type variable: str :param paths: Paths expression to the dataset netCDF files. :type paths: str or [str] :return: Standardized DataArray. :rtype: (:class:`xarray.DataArray`, dict) """ logger.debug("Loading ECMWF data from: %s", paths) if len(paths) == 1: paths = paths[0] with xr.open_mfdataset(paths) as dataset: datarray = dataset[variable] ds_attrs = dataset.attrs return datarray, ds_attrs
[docs]def esacci(variable, time_position, paths): """Loads and returns a ESACCI DataArray model and the dataset attributes. Note the name structure is composed by sections: For example: ESACCI-OZONE-L3S-TC-MERGED-DLR_1M-20010302-fv0100. Therefore is needed to indicate the position in the string for the dataset time (7 or -2 for the case above). :param variable: Variable to load from the dataset. :type variable: str :param time_position: Name position for the dataset time. :type time_position: int :param paths: Paths expression to the dataset netCDF files. :type paths: str or [str] :return: Standardized DataArray. :rtype: (:class:`xarray.DataArray`, dict) """ if len(paths) == 1: paths = paths[0] def pf(ds): fpath = ds.encoding["source"] fname = fpath.split('/')[-1] fdate = fname.split('-')[time_position] time = pd.to_datetime(fdate) return ds.expand_dims(time=[time]) with xr.open_mfdataset(paths, preprocess=pf) as dataset: datarray = dataset[variable] ds_attrs = dataset.attrs return datarray, ds_attrs
[docs]def sbuv(textfile, delimiter): """Loads and returns a SBUV DataArray model and the dataset attributes. Note SBUV models do not have longitude coordinate. :param textfile: Location to the textfile with model information. :type textfile: str :param delimiter: Delimiter character for row values on the table. :type delimiter: str or [str] :return: Standardized DataArray. :rtype: (:class:`xarray.DataArray`, {}) """ with open(textfile, 'r') as strio: tables = utils.chunkio('SBUV', strio) arrays = [] for head, chunk in tables: header = head[0:-2].split(' ') year = int(header[0]) table = pd.read_table(chunk, sep=delimiter, index_col=[0, 1]) table.index = [(int(l1)+int(l2))/2 for l1, l2 in table.index] array = xr.DataArray( data=table, attrs=dict( version=header[3], name=header[1], description=' '.join(header[-3:])), dims=['lat', 'time'], coords=dict( lat=table.index, time=[pd.datetime(year, m, 1) for m in range(1, 13)])) array.values.flat[array.values.flat == 0.0] = np.nan arrays.append(array) return xr.concat(arrays, 'time'), {}